1. Check Care Label:
Review the care label to determine if dry cleaning is required for certain wool items.

2. Sort by Color and Texture:
Segregate wool items based on color and texture to prevent color bleeding or damage caused by heavier fabrics rubbing onto lighter ones.

3. Use Cold Water:
Employ cold water for washing to prevent shrinkage or felting, as hot water can cause wool fibers to contract and bind together, leading to damage.

4. Use Mild Detergent:
Utilize a mild detergent formulated for wool or delicate fabrics, avoiding bleach or fabric softeners that can harm fibers.

5. Gently Agitate:
Hand agitate the wool item gently for a short duration, avoiding excessive rubbing or scrubbing to prevent stretching or distortion.

6. Rinse Thoroughly:
Ensure thorough rinsing in clean, cold water to eliminate all soap residue from the wool item.

7. Press Out Excess Water:
Avoid twisting or wringing the wool item, instead gently pressing out excess water by rolling it in a towel or pressing between hands to prevent fiber damage.

8. Flat Dry:
Lay the wool item flat on a clean towel or drying rack, reshaping it to its original size and shape to prevent stretching or distortion from hanging.

9. Store Properly:
Store folded and flat in a drawer or on a shelf to maintain shape, avoiding prolonged hanging which can lead to stretching or distortion over time.